Tag: Supreme Court
94 Supreme Court judges appeal to the Sejm: Restore the legal NCJ and full rule of law
The legal judges of the Supreme Court, including the former presidents, are appealing to the Sejm to fully implement the judgments of the ECtHR and the CJEU and to liquidate the main source of problems with the rule of law, namely the neo-NCJ.
Despite the war, PiS is on a collision course with the EU and wants to elect a neo-NCJ mk II. People associated with Ziobro will end up there.
The Law and Justice party (PiS) is continuing to breach the rule of law and exacerbate the conflict with the EU. The ruling party has already agreed on a list of 15 candidates for the neo-NCJ II, which gives nominations to judges. It will be even worse than the current one, because the list contains “hawks” headed by Łukasz Piebiak.
Ziobro is going for the Supreme Court. He wants to liquidate it and appoint a shell Supreme Court with neo-judges
Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro wants to remove the legal judges from the Supreme Court. The current Supreme Court is to be liquidated under the guise of implementing a CJEU ruling, to be replaced by a small Supreme Court with only 30 vetted judges. This radical plan is in conflict with Duda’s and PiS’s bills.
If Brussels buys Duda’s offer, it will turn judges into fools and condemn Poland to a drift towards dictatorship
The European Commission is to decide whether to unfreeze billions for Poland from the EU’s Reconstruction Fund. It should not ‘buy’ President Duda’s or the Law and Justice party’s (PiS’s) offer. It needs to demand the full restoration of the rule of law. Otherwise, it will condemn the courts to ultimate destruction, reward ‘sly judges’ and antagonise the judicial community.
PiS wants to leave the illegal Disciplinary Chamber intact. It has submitted a bill countering President Duda
A group of PiS MPs have submitted a bill to the Sejm which they claim will implement the CJEU ruling and unlock billions of euros for Poland. However, PiS does not want to liquidate the Disciplinary Chamber, but only take away its disciplinary cases regarding judges. PiS’s bill strikes at Duda’s initiative.
Liquidation of the Disciplinary Chamber. Duda’s and Manowska’s bill contains traps
The Disciplinary Commissioner will be able to prosecute a judge who interprets that the Catholic Church is liable for the crime of paedophilia of its subordinates. And this is just one of the possible dangers contained in the presidential bill.
Mission Possible, or in other words how to restore the rule of law
Our proposal justly differentiates the situations of judges who knowingly chose promotion, while other boycotted defective recruitments – argue lawyers from the Free Courts initiative Michał Wawrykiewicz, Paulina Kieszkowska-Knapik, Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram, Maria Ejchart-Dubois
Duda’s dangerous proposition. Will some of the opposition fall into this trap?
Support from a part of the opposition for the presidential bill for revitalising the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court would, among other things, be in conflict with the recently concluded Agreement for the Rule of Law. And in conflict with the rulings of the European courts – in Luxembourg and Strasbourg.
President gives an excuse
The reform of disciplinary proceedings is to involve the – repeatedly announced – liquidation of the Disciplinary Chamber and the establishment of a new Chamber, the Professional Liability Chamber. The judges of what has been the Disciplinary Chamber to date are to be parcelled out to other chambers, which means they will be dominated by neo-judges. Well, unless they choose to retire – on very financially-attractive terms.
Małgorzata Manowska blocks the implementation of an important CJEU judgment
Step by step, the neo-judges are taking control over the old, legal Supreme Court. The First President of the Supreme Court, Małgorzata Manowska, has just dismissed all the heads of division in the Civil Chamber. Manowska is also blocking the implementation of a CJEU ruling regarding the legality of the Supreme Court’s neo-judges
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