Tag: Maciej Mitera
‘What a bastard’, ‘dick’, ‘the Yanks want to fuck us over with the kikes’ – this is the language of the judges from Kasta/Antykasta group
Insults addressed to independent judges, ‘jokes’ about Jews, insults addressed to ‘moron’ teachers, some of whom need to be ‘kicked the f**k out…’ – this is how the judges from the new NCJ, the disciplinary commissioners and judges from the ministry of justice spoke [OKO.press’s and Onet’s investigation].
The ‘good change’ is going for the Supreme Administrative Court
The current authority will have increasingly greater control over the Supreme Administrative Court, which is at the same level of importance as the Supreme Court. This is because judges and lawyers who have decided to cooperate with the authorities and Minister Ziobro’s ministry are applying for positions in that court.
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Civil Partnerships. Kotula: PSL Colleagues, Read the Bill and Stop Making Politics Out of People’s Suffering
The Ombudsman Appeals to Donald Tusk to Consider the Venice Commission’s Opinion in Judicial Reforms
The Government Published the Migration Strategy, Adding a Clause on “Parliamentary Oversight”
A Year After the Elections: Bodnar Initiates Accountability and Judicial Reforms, Unlocks EU Funds, But Neo-KRS Remains
The Venice Commission has issued an opinion on the Polish judiciary.