Civil Partnerships. Kotula: PSL Colleagues, Read the Bill and Stop Making Politics Out of People’s Suffering
“I don’t understand why a conservative party isn’t fighting for the formalization of relationships and the security of families. Leaving people in legal limbo seems cruel,” says Minister Katarzyna Kotula in an interview with OKO.press. She responds to the arguments of coalition partners from PSL, who oppose the introduction of the civil partnerships bill.
Landmark ruling of the CJEU in the case against public broadcaster TVP
‘There is an entitlement to protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation regardless of the basis of employment’ the CJEU ruled today. This applies to a case filed against TVP by a former employee. ‘I am pleased with the judgment, but it’s a pity that we have to go abroad for such obvious conclusions’
‘LGBT-free’ municipalities will not receive millions of zlotys from Norwegian funds
Municipalities that declared themselves ‘LGBT ideology-free zones’ will not receive funding from Norwegian funds. This means a loss of €3–10 million for Kraśnik alone.
The European Commission intervenes on “LGBT-free” zones in Poland
The letter from the European Commission is a confirmation that the homophobic resolutions passed by local governments in Poland have legal consequences, violate the rights of their residents, and should conform to EU values. It also opens the way to EU funds being blocked – right now
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