Tag: European Court of Human Rights
ECtHR: the meeting schedule of the Constitutional Tribunal President is public information
The meeting schedule of Julia Przyłębska is public information, and its non-disclosure was a violation of the law,” ruled the European Court of Human Rights after a complaint from the Civil Network Watchdog Poland.
Change of Course: Polish Government Aims to Uphold Decisions of European Tribunals
The new government is clearly signaling to both the Polish and global public opinion, as well as to EU institutions and the Council of Europe, that it will abide by the rulings of the CJEU and the ECHR.
Designation of ad hoc judge by the ECtHR in Wałęsa v. Poland
Designation, by ECtHR Chamber President, of Judge Ktistakis as Ad Hoc Judge: Commentary by Andrzej Drzemczewski
Public media in the pre-election period: responsibilities and facts
In the context of the appropriation of the public media by the ruling party, it can hardly be expected that they will comply with international, constitutional or statutory obligations.
The ECtHR dismissed the applications of the Polish women regarding the restriction of the right to an abortion. What was it guided by? [ANALYSIS]
The European Court of Human Rights dismissed the applications of the Polish women regarding the restriction of access to a legal abortion after the judgment of Julia Przyłębska’s Tribunal. We explain why and how the Polish anti-abortion law can be challenged
The European Court of Human Rights will assess whether President Duda broke the law
The European Court of Human Rights will rule on the cases of eight people who were recommended by the ‘old’, legal National Council of the Judiciary to the Supreme Court, among others, whereas President Duda refused to appoint them without giving reasons.
Judge Tuleya files a complaint with the ECtHR for his return to the court being blocked by Ziobro’s people
Igor Tuleya, a symbol of the free courts, filed a complaint with the ECtHR because the court presidents nominated by Ziobro are not implementing the judgments ordering his return to work. Tuleya will also request a fine of PLN 15,000 and the arrest of the minister’s nominee
Schab, Ziobro’s ‘enforcer’, confirms: the repressions in the court of appeal are for applying EU law
Piotr Schab, president of the Court of Appeal in Warsaw, confirmed that the transfer of two judges to different divisions is a penalty for applying judgments of the ECtHR and the CJEU. Schab and his deputy, Radzik, will face criminal liability in the future for the repressions.
Ominous coincidence of dates
The selectivity in complying with ECtHR judgments was dressed up to appear as the checking of the constitutionality of the provisions of an international convention. This is why the operative part of the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal states that Article 6 of the ECHR is unconstitutional, which in itself is outrageous.
On the prosecutor general’s motion to the Constitutional Tribunal regarding the European Convention (case K 7/21)
Just like the Prime Minister’s motion and the Constitutional Tribunal’s judgment of 7 October, the prosecutor general’s motion in case K 7/21 contains criticism of the European Court of Human Rights acts, that are nowhere to be found in the courts’ case law.
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We reveal: Ziobro’s people used Hermes against judges and the media. Also against OKO.press.
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Where are we after a year of restoring the rule of law? [DEBATE]
Penalties for Homophobic Hate Speech? The Government Approves Changes to the Penal Code