Tag: European Commission
New legislation on Supreme Court published – PiS officially gives up
The new Supreme Court Act came into effect on 1 January – the Supreme Court judges previously forced to retire are coming back to work. PiS ultimately gave up despite stalling for time until the last moment. Yet the fight for the rule of law continues, and Brussels has no plans to quit. In 2019, the Court of Justice will rule on the politicisation of the National Council of the Judiciary (KRS)
Polish government demands the end of political discussions with the EU over rule of law
Reporting to the European Commission on the implementation of its recommendations regarding rule of law, the Law and Justice government is demanding the end of the procedure implemented under Article 7 of the Treaty on the EU. In the report, the government makes unsubstantiated claims that the changes into judiciary are addressing ‘high public expectations’
3rd European Commission Report on rule of law in Poland: it’s getting worse
The report contains Commission’s position for the hearing of Poland before the Council of the EU on 11 December 2018. Commission maintains that Poland does not comply with its recommendations concerning the rule of law. The recent amandment to the law on Supreme Court is seen as a positive development. But other problems remain
Iustitia Association of Polish Judges answers to the White Paper prepared by the Polish government
This response to the White Paper compendium presented by the Government of the Republic of Poland to the European Commission was prepared by the Polish Judges Association “Iustitia”, together with a team of experts, in order to present a realistic picture of the reforms of the Polish justice system, which have been made in Poland over the last two years.
2nd European Commission recommendation on the rule of law in Poland
On 21 December 2016, the European Commission decided to issue a second Rule of Law Recommendation. The Commission consideres that whereas some of the issues raised in its last Recommendation of 27 July 2016 have been addressed, important issues remain unresolved, and new concerns have arisen in the meantime
1st European Commission recommendation on the rule of law in Poland
On 27 July 2016 European Commission adopted a Rule of Law Recommendation on the situation in Poland, setting out the Commission’s concerns and recommending how these can be addressed. The Commission believes that there is a systemic threat to the rule of law in Poland
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