Tag: Prosecutor General
Bodnar: Accountability, liquidation of the neo-NCJ and review of neo-judges. The courts must be for the people
Laws fixing the courts must be enacted and, if there are presidential vetoes, other solutions should be found. Hold those who broke the law accountable, tidy up the law after Ziobro. The prosecution service is to be reformed – this is what Senator Adam Bodnar, the favourite for the position of the new minister of justice, tells OKO.press about fixing the courts
Polish Ombudsman’s arguments ignored by captured Constitutional Tribunal at hearing in case K 6/21
The Polish politically captured Constitutional Tribunal ruled in case K 6 /21 that it is not a court within the meaning of the European Convention on Human Rights. It also ruled that the European Court of Human Rights cannot judge the legality of judicial appointments. We publish argumentation presented in the case before the Constitutional Tribunal by the Commissioner for Human Rights.
The Prosecutor General goes for Judge Żurek. He is digging into his private affairs
Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro is resorting to an extraordinary complaint to punish Judge Waldemar Żurek, one of the symbols of the defense of independent courts in Poland. He appealed to the Supreme Court against a judgement which was favourable for Żurek regarding his property settlements with his ex-wife. Judge Waldemar Żurek from the Regional […]
Law and Justice’s Concentrated Power over Polish Prosecutors
On 8 July 2019, prosecutor Mariusz Krasoń was relocated from the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Cracow, Poland to the District Prosecutor’s Office in Wrocław-Krzyki, almost 300 km away, and two levels lower in the hierarchy. The Justice Defence Committee (KOS) indicates that in May 2019, prosecutor Krasoń initiated a resolution of the Assembly of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Cracow.
Why did the Polish deputy minister of justice resign? Everything you need to know about the ‘Piebiak scandal’
A deputy minister of justice resigns. His devoted helper dismissed from his job at the ministry. Judge of the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court and employees of the neo-NCJ summoned to give explanations. Alerted prosecution office and disciplinary commissioners. The Piebiak scandal, which was the ‘PiS caste’ scandal as early as on Thursday, is spreading ever wider. The government is playing it down, but the opinion polls have moved
Prosecutor’s attempt to suppress freedom of speech [L.Balcerowicz’s statement]
Prosecutor Bogdan Święczkowski announces the doctrine of infallibility of the Ziobro-Święczkowski prosecutor’s office.
Repression of Polish judges and prosecutors – report by KOS
The Justice Defence Committee (KOS) published a report entitled “A country that punishes. Pressure and repression of Polish judges and prosecutors”. The main objective of the report is to present how new disciplinary mechanisms in the judiciary and public prosecution service are being used as tools of political pressure and intimidation.
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