Tag: neo-judges
Bodnar’s 10 Pillars for the Judiciary: Reform of Court Experts, More Assistants, Digitalization, Mediation, Training
The Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, announces plans to accelerate court proceedings within two years. This effort will be supported by so-called small steps—simple organizational changes that mostly do not require legislative amendments. These include management training and digitalization.
The Case of an Antisemitic Post by Judge Jarosław Dudzicz, Former Member of the unlawful National Council of the Judiciary
OKO.press has obtained details of the case involving an antisemitic online post by Judge Jarosław Dudzicz a former member of the unlawful National Council of the Judiciary
Codification Committee: Abolish Two Chambers of the Supreme Court Created by PiS and the Extraordinary Complaint Mechanism
The Codification Committee of Civil Law, chaired by Professor Marek Safjan, is calling for urgent reforms in the Supreme Court, which is dominated by “neo-judges” (judges appointed in deficient procedure). The Committee advocates for the abolition of the illegal Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs as well as the Chamber of Professional Responsibility.
EU Court of Justice does not allow questions asked by neo-judges of the Supreme Court
The Court of Justice does not recognise the questions of the neo-Judges of the Civil Chamber and the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber in the Supreme Court, because they do not form a court. What does this mean?
Bodnar Asks the Venice Commission to Evaluate Solutions for the Neo-Judge Issue
Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar has requested the Venice Commission’s opinion on two proposed models for addressing the neo-judges problem. Dr. Anna Wójcik explains the nature of the dispute and the potential significance of the Venice Commission’s opinion.
Newly appointed judges will be able to run for the reformed National Council of the Judiciary (KRS). The Senate has passed the bill with amendments.
The Senate has voted on the amendment to the KRS Act. Several dozen amendments have been introduced to the draft, including a very important one – granting newly appointed judges the right to stand for election to the Council. This is the result of the Venice Commission’s opinion. But discussions with President Duda also concerned this issue.
Changes in electoral system are intended to help PiS win the elections [interview with the former chairman of the National Electoral Commission]
‘The structure of voters has changed. This will clearly reduce PiS’s chances in the elections. A motion was filed in 2014, as well as in 2018 and six months ago. The Sejm is not dealing with it at all for the third time, even though it is obliged to respect the opinion of the National Electoral Commission (NEC),’ says the former head of the NEC, Judge Wojciech Hermeliński.
Manowska of the Supreme Court is now blocking the execution of the 3rd CJEU ruling. This is how the authority’s nominees are implementing the compromise with the EU
Małgorzata Manowska, acting as the First President of the Supreme Court, does not want to hand over the files of an important case regarding the status of the neo-judges of the Supreme Court to the legal judges of the Supreme Court. This is the third case blocked by Manowska in which the CJEU has issued a ruling
Judge Juszczyszyn is being prosecuted again for applying EU law. This is how Ziobro’s people are ‘supporting’ the compromise
Judge Juszczyszyn from Olsztyn, who returned to work just six months ago, did not have peace of mind for very long. Ziobro’s nominees are after him again because Juszczyszyn is still enforcing ECtHR and CJEU judgments. He is facing as many as three new disciplinary actions!
President of a legal Chamber of the Supreme Court refuses to adjudicate with neo-judges: ‘I’m not afraid, I’ve chosen my fate’
Piotr Prusinowski, President of the Labour and Social Security Chamber, has issued a poignant and emotional statement explaining why he will not adjudicate with neo-judges of the Supreme Court. In it, he calls on the neo-judges to come to their senses and warns against dictatorship.
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