Tag: National Prosecutor’s Office
Court: The Prosecutor’s Office’s Entry into the Office of Disciplinary Officers Schab, Radzik, and Lasota Was Legal
The National Prosecutor’s Office was authorized to forcibly enter the office of Ziobro’s disciplinary officers, located near the neo-NCJ (National Council of the Judiciary). It was also permitted to conduct a search there and seize files related to disciplinary proceedings initiated against independent judges.
The National Prosecutor’s Office strikes at the old legal Supreme Court with criminal charges. Professor Włodzimierz Wróbel is being prosecuted
The National Prosecutor’s Office has unexpectedly asked the illegal Disciplinary Chamber to lift the immunity of three judges of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court. The list includes Professor Włodzimierz Wróbel, a fierce critic of the ‘good change’ in the courts and Małgorzata Manowska’s counter-candidate for the office of president of the Supreme Court. The prosecutor’s office wants to charge them for the mistakes of the employees of the Supreme Court.
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We reveal: Ziobro’s people used Hermes against judges and the media. Also against OKO.press.
Trial of five in Hajnówka. They face prison for helping. “We should not be afraid of people in need”.
300,000 Pages of Truth About Ziobro’s Justice Fund—and 100 Flash Drives
Where are we after a year of restoring the rule of law? [DEBATE]
Penalties for Homophobic Hate Speech? The Government Approves Changes to the Penal Code