Tag: European Commission
Counsels of vocal judges urge EU official to take further actions to defend the rule of law
We obtained a letter sent to the Vice President of the European Commission, Věra Jourová, by counsels of judge Paweł Juszczyszyn and Igor Tuleya.
Open Letter to the European Commission
Download PDF (English, Polish) 28 March 2021 Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission Věra Jourová Vice-President of the European Commission Didier Reynders Member of the European Commission Dear President, Dear Vice-President, Dear Commissioner, Further to the letter of December 2020, […]
Is there any hope left for the conditionality Regulation?
Is the new mechanism to protect the rule of law in the EU a revolutionary weapon or paper tiger?
The rule of law conditionality: opportunities and challenges
Is the regulation that makes access to European funds conditional on respect for the rule of law and other EU values a revolutionary weapon or paper tiger?
Orbán wants to further restrict the independent media. Hungary is a warning to Poland
Fidesz’s media empire keeps pushing the message that the entire opposition and the mayor of Budapest, Gergely Karácsony are “rooting for coronavirus”, naming them as “the coalition of the death” – Edit Zgut on the media landscape and its prospects in Hungary
5 Member States support the European Commission in Case 791/19: what they said
Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland support the European Commission and demand the Court of Justice declares that the Polish government violates the Union law in case C-791/19 regarding the disciplinary system for judges
Discussing imploding Polish judicial independence, European Arrest Warrants and fair trial in Luxembourg: silver linings to a grim day?
On 12 October, the rule of law in Poland was discussed in Warsaw, Brussels, Strasbourg, and Luxembourg. Prof. John Morijn reports from the Court of Justice of the EU and analyses arguments made before the Grand Chamber in the PPU cases. The Advocate General will issue his Opinion on 12 November.
Before It’s Too Late Open Letter to the President of the European Commission regarding the Rule of Law Breakdown in Poland
‘The only way to contain the increasing lawlessness that we are witnessing in Poland is for your Commission to step up to the task it is given under the Treaties to enforce EU law. Do not further delay action in the name of dialogue. One simply cannot engage in dialogue with a pyromaniac who is actively adding fuel to a blaze. The rule of law in Poland is not merely being attacked. It is being destroyed in plain sight. ‘ – writes a dozen of law professors from across the globe to the European Commission President
The suspended Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court is to decide on the immunity of judges on 9 June. The Commissioner for Human Rights writes to the First President of the Supreme Court and to the Prime Minister
In my opinion, each of the two points of the CJEU order is sufficient for the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court to stop all judicial activity with regard to judges, until the final judgment is delivered by the CJEU or until the safeguard order is amended, Adam Bodnar emphasizes.
The European Commission intervenes on “LGBT-free” zones in Poland
The letter from the European Commission is a confirmation that the homophobic resolutions passed by local governments in Poland have legal consequences, violate the rights of their residents, and should conform to EU values. It also opens the way to EU funds being blocked – right now
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