Tag: European Arrest Warrant
A German court refuses to extradite a German citizen to Poland, because of the state of the Polish judicial system
This is the second decision by the Higher National Court in Karlsruhe to suspend the execution of a EAW to Poland, directly motivated by concerns over the rule of law, resulting from changes in the judiciary after 2015
Poland’s National Public Prosecutor is going to war with the Netherlands
National Public Prosecutor Bogdan Święczkowski sent an order to the prosecutors to block European Arrest Warrants issued by the Netherlands. He did this in retaliation for the court in Amsterdam suspending the enforcement of an EAW from Poland in connection with the restriction of the independence of Polish courts
Discussing imploding Polish judicial independence, European Arrest Warrants and fair trial in Luxembourg: silver linings to a grim day?
On 12 October, the rule of law in Poland was discussed in Warsaw, Brussels, Strasbourg, and Luxembourg. Prof. John Morijn reports from the Court of Justice of the EU and analyses arguments made before the Grand Chamber in the PPU cases. The Advocate General will issue his Opinion on 12 November.
District Court in Warsaw judge accuses a Dutch court of obstruction in the European Arrest Warrant cases
In refusing extradition from Poland to the Netherlands, Judge Łubowski ruthlessly attacked the Dutch courts and government, including for obstructing the fight against international crime and the destruction of the community of EU law. He mentioned the threat of ‘horrific euthanasia’ and a ‘pathological narcotics policy’
‘We, in Poland, are witnessing a unique revolution in Poland against the rule of law’
We publish in full the speech made on 22 September 2020 by Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram and Michał Wawrykiewicz, attorneys-at-law representing judge Waldemar Żurek before the Court of Justice of the EU in C-487/19 case regarding the Supreme Court’s request for a preliminary ruling.
The Netherlands will extradite no-one to Poland under European Arrest Warrant
The Regional Court in Amsterdam has already submitted a second enquiry to the Court of Justice of the EU regarding the performance of a European Arrest Warrant to Poland. Until the receipt of an answer from the CJEU, no person suspected or convicted of a crime by a court in Poland will be extradited from the Netherlands.
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