Tag: elections 2023
Public media in the pre-election period: responsibilities and facts
In the context of the appropriation of the public media by the ruling party, it can hardly be expected that they will comply with international, constitutional or statutory obligations.
Public money, party campaign
According to the Electoral Code, all parties should have a level playing field in the election campaign. Including financially. The United Right is not bothered by that.
PiS Threatens to Take Over Courts, Liquidate Supreme Court, and Challenge CJEU
PiS is not hiding the fact that it wants to destroy the independent courts in Poland. It is admitting this in its election programme. It is promising the liquidation of the current courts and the establishment of new ones with ‘its own’ judges. Independent judges will be removed or retired
Kaczyński announces the takeover of the courts after the elections. He threatens: ‘No one will stop us’
The Law and Justice (PiS) party chairman promised a final crackdown on the courts at an election rally. In practice, this will mean liquidating the current courts, removing independent judges from them and appointing ‘their own.’ If PiS wins the elections and does this, it will result in a major clash with the EU.
Lex Tusk is violating EU law, the European Commission has to intervene [analysis]
The commission investigating Russian influence, seen as a tool against Donald Tusk and the ‘enemies’ of PiS, could result in the blocking of EU funds for Poland.
The commission on Russian influence can sentence someone to public lynching. The citizen is completely defenceless [interview]
People who hold degrees in medicine, political science or no degree at all are specialists in criminal proceedings and state security. One also has a BSc in farming, one is a construction engineer and there is a technical college graduate. Such a bill could not have been prepared by this group of people – it was prepared by someone else and presented to them for signature, says Professor Mirosław Wyrzykowski.
Money, money and… money. Why does PiS want to change the Electoral Code just before the elections?
The amendments to the Electoral Code which PiS is trying to push through will not help the electoral process, but will allow the co-financing of party activity. Róża Rzeplińska of Mam Prawo Wiedzieć [I have the right to know] tells us about the new possibilities of conducting financial scams
Electoral Code. PiS’s amendments strike at the secrecy of elections; some will obstruct their organization [INTERVIEW]
It is already too late to amend the electoral code. While some of the changes are dangerous and harmful – one by one, Adam Gendźwiłł, an expert on electoral systems and local government politics, presents the damage that PiS’s bill brings
13 Polish NGOs call on OSCE/ODIHR to monitor 2023 elections
It is clear to us that ODIHR should devote the maximum possible time and effort to observing the parliamentary election next year in Poland including on election day. Given that the election campaign has already begun, this overview could, as much as possible, include political processes taking place before the official start of the campaign – 13 Polish NGOs call on OSCE/ODIHR to monitor 2023 elections
Newest posts
We reveal: Ziobro’s people used Hermes against judges and the media. Also against OKO.press.
Trial of five in Hajnówka. They face prison for helping. “We should not be afraid of people in need”.
300,000 Pages of Truth About Ziobro’s Justice Fund—and 100 Flash Drives
Where are we after a year of restoring the rule of law? [DEBATE]
Penalties for Homophobic Hate Speech? The Government Approves Changes to the Penal Code