Tag: Constitutional Tribunal
Tribunal’s ruling on abortion to be ‘corrected’. PiS politicians to the judges: give us some leeway
The Law and Justice (PiS) party will want to change the legal consequences of the Constitutional Tribunal’s judgment on abortion. In order for this to be possible, however, the Tribunal’s judges have to leave such room for interpretation in the written justification, as, according to Onet’s information, the politicians in the ruling camp have requested.
PiS rejects the candidate for the Ombudsman supported by 700 civic organisations
PiS deputies did not even hear out the social candidate for the office of Ombudsman Zuzanna Rudzińska-Bluszcz. Even so, they gave her a negative opinion at the parliamentary committee meeting. PiS wants to take over the office of Ombudsman with the help of the Constitutional Tribunal.
Safjan on Constitutional Tribunal ruling: an extreme scenario, but even EU exit seems possible
The Constitutional Tribunal, by a decision of its full bench, ruled that the resolution of the three combined chambers of the Supreme Court is incompatible with the constitution and international law. According to Professor and CJEU Judge Marek Safjan, this ruling by the Constitutional Tribunal is “highly disturbing” and can even threaten Poland’s membership in the European Union.
Captured Constitutional Tribunal rules on the Supreme Court: Implementation of CJEU judgment inconsistent with EU law
“Once again, the Constitutional Tribunal has attempted to frustrate the implementation of the CJEU judgment of 19 November 2019.”, stated the case directly judge Piotr Pszczółkowski who issued a dissenting opinion.
Wyrzykowski: 5 lessons from the constitutional reality in Poland and Hungary
“Thou shalt not be indifferent. The ghost of an authoritarian state stands at the door of your home. It will not knock on the door. It will come in uninvited. And it will stay a long time.” – reminds professor Mirosław Wyrzykowski, former judge of the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland and an outstanding legal authority
President Andrzej Duda’s attack on Polish constitutional court
On 3 July, the President of Poland Andrzej Duda visited Lwówek Śląski and gave a speech in which he criticized the activity of the Constitutional Tribunal, whose ruling from 2014 recognized the conformity of a gradual increase in the retirement age with the Polish Constitution.
Act on the National Council of the Judiciary before the Constitutional Tribunal
Polish constitutional court delivered a ruling concerning the National Council of the Judiciary. The judgement might be crucial for the preliminary reference proceedings pending before the Court of Justice of the EU.
From Constitutional to Political Justice: The Tragic Trajectories of the Polish Constitutional Court
The Polish Constitutional Court, once a proud institution and an effective check on the will of the majority, is now a shell of its former self
The rule of law in Poland Actions by EU institutions and unaddressed recommendations of the European Commission
Provisions subordinating the judiciary to the executive (including disciplinary proceedings against judges), which are completely incompatible with European standards, are still in place.
Poland: From Paradigm to Pariah? Polish constitutional crisis – interpretations
Explanation and interpretation of the nature and possible causes of the the “Polish constitutional crisis”, i.e. backsliding on the part of Poland into authoritarianism. Firstly, historical – unique nature of the Polish transition from Communism to democracy. Secondly, legal explanation ascribes the crisis to the immaturity of Polish legal culture, in particular its excessive formalism. Third explanation is sociological and interprets the Crisis as one of liberal values in contemporary Polish society.
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