Tag: Article 6 ECHR
A legal judge of the Supreme Court is not afraid of the muzzle regulations and challenges the status of neo-judges of the Supreme Court
The old Supreme Court challenged the legality of the neo-judges in the Supreme Court. This is another such ruling issued despite the prohibition to examine their status. This ruling shows that the old Supreme Court judges will continue to apply the judgments of the ECtHR and the CJEU.
Ominous coincidence of dates
The selectivity in complying with ECtHR judgments was dressed up to appear as the checking of the constitutionality of the provisions of an international convention. This is why the operative part of the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal states that Article 6 of the ECHR is unconstitutional, which in itself is outrageous.
The European Court of Human Rights will assess whether Poland breached Igor Tuleya’s rights through disciplinary action
Judge Igor Tuleya is accusing the Polish government of, inter alia, breaching his right to private life and his reputation in connection with disciplinary proceedings against him and summoning him as a witness in disciplinary proceedings against other judges.
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We reveal: Ziobro’s people used Hermes against judges and the media. Also against OKO.press.
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Penalties for Homophobic Hate Speech? The Government Approves Changes to the Penal Code