The ECtHR dismissed the applications of the Polish women regarding the restriction of the right to an abortion. What was it guided by? [ANALYSIS]

The European Court of Human Rights dismissed the applications of the Polish women regarding the restriction of access to a legal abortion after the judgment of Julia Przyłębska’s Tribunal. We explain why and how the Polish anti-abortion law can be challenged

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The CJEU ruling on the Muzzle Act does not spoil the mood of the ruling party

According to Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro, it is not Poland that is breaking the treaties but the European Commission. Minister for European Affairs Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk is calm: the ruling largely applies to ‘outdated matters’. Besides, the minister ‘does not see them in the context of the dialogue with the EC on the NRRP’.

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Kaczyński announces the takeover of the courts after the elections. He threatens: ‘No one will stop us’

The Law and Justice (PiS) party chairman promised a final crackdown on the courts at an election rally. In practice, this will mean liquidating the current courts, removing independent judges from them and appointing ‘their own.’ If PiS wins the elections and does this, it will result in a major clash with the EU.

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Prosecution of Bydgoszcz judges by Radzik. The president will not intervene. ‘Premature and unauthorised’

The president of the District Court in Bydgoszcz does not intend – at least for the time being – to stand up in defence of the three judges in whose judgment Przemysław Radzik took an interest. ‘I believe the defence of the independence of the court also requires me, just as any judge, to be prudent in my comments,’ Jarosław Błażejewski tells us.

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Extraordinary meeting of the new National Council for Judiciary. ‘A tribute of surrender’.

The new, politically elected National Council of the Judiciary will meet at an extraordinary session next Monday, 28 August. It was called by Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro to oppose what he claims to be the ‘politicisation of the judiciary.’ The NCJ is also expected to support Ziobro in further ‘reforming’ the courts. ‘This meeting will be a tribute of the NCJ’s surrender to Ziobro,’ Iustitia’s press officer tells Onet.

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PiS spy law has been passed. ‘An open door for striking at journalists and not only’

‘This can be an instrument for initiating operational control, namely wiretapping, for conducting criminal proceedings and therefore for intimidation,’ Counsellor Marcin Wolny of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights tells Onet about the provision regarding disinformation in the PiS deputies’ so-called Spy Act, which has already been passed.

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PiS will not remove Judge Raczkowski in silence. An application will be filed with the European Commission and the ECtHR.

MPs from the ruling coalition have enacted a special provision intended to remove one judge from the profession. This applies to the former deputy head of the legal NCJ, Piotr Raczkowski. The community of judges announces his defence, because the provision is in breach of the Constitution and European law

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Electoral pathologies. How the PiS authorities are reducing the chances of the parties

Jarosław Kaczyński announced that he is concerned about the opposition falsifying the elections. The problem is that election systems in Poland leave a great deal to be desired; they are conducive to abuse, while parties do not have equal chances in elections.

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PiS handles the media. How the neo-judges are helping the authorities win litigation

Examples of specific proceedings and decisions show what Zbigniew Ziobro and Jarosław Kaczyński stand to gain from staffing the courts with ‘their own people’.

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The government has prepared an attack on local governments and a muzzle for naturalists in one bill. The Assessment Act in the Sejm

While wondering whether the change in the regulations is good, it would be worth asking yourself who will benefit from it. Local governments, residents and nature will lose out on the change in the Assessment Act, while the government and the investors it selects will gain on the basis of criteria known only to the politicians. Good change?

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