Electoral pathologies. How the PiS authorities are reducing the chances of the parties

Jarosław Kaczyński announced that he is concerned about the opposition falsifying the elections. The problem is that election systems in Poland leave a great deal to be desired; they are conducive to abuse, while parties do not have equal chances in elections.

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PiS handles the media. How the neo-judges are helping the authorities win litigation

Examples of specific proceedings and decisions show what Zbigniew Ziobro and Jarosław Kaczyński stand to gain from staffing the courts with ‘their own people’.

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The government has prepared an attack on local governments and a muzzle for naturalists in one bill. The Assessment Act in the Sejm

While wondering whether the change in the regulations is good, it would be worth asking yourself who will benefit from it. Local governments, residents and nature will lose out on the change in the Assessment Act, while the government and the investors it selects will gain on the basis of criteria known only to the politicians. Good change?

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Retired Constitutional Tribunal Judges on ‘lex Tusk’: This act of exceptional evil violates the principles of the rule of law, human and civil rights

‘We cannot remain silent in the light of such an intensity of ill will and such a gross violation of fundamental human and civil rights. It is also our duty, which arises from our judicial conscience and our knowledge of the law, to point out that cooperation with the commission according to the principles of this unprecedented act constitutes a violation of values that are dear to our traditions and respect for the common good,’ wrote the retired judges of the Constitutional Tribunal.

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Lex Tusk is violating EU law, the European Commission has to intervene [analysis]

The commission investigating Russian influence, seen as a tool against Donald Tusk and the ‘enemies’ of PiS, could result in the blocking of EU funds for Poland.

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How independent judges are harassed in PiS’s and Ziobro’s Poland [Osiatyński’s Archive’s analysis]

The system of repression of judges defending the rule of law has been changing over the years. What measures are used today to intimidate defenders of the rule of law? Osiatyński Archive’s special analysis

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Illegal interference with final rulings. 43 judges of the Court of Appeal in Warsaw protest

The president of the Court of Appeal in Warsaw, Piotr Schab, does not respect the law, while there is interference in final judgments to the benefit of the prosecutor’s office in the court he manages – as arises from the declaration of 43 judges of that court.

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Illegal National Council for Judiciary closes off the takeover of the Supreme Court. Landing of neo-judges in the Civil Chamber

The neo-NCJ has started to choose more neo-judges for the Supreme Court. It could nominate as many as 12. The candidates are judges who were already promoted under the current government as well as an assistant to Elzbieta Karska, the wife of PiS MEP Karol Karski. Voting will be held on 18 May.

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Ziobro’s ‘enforcers’ are after Judges Głowacka and Barańska for applying EU law

Disciplinary cases are pending for Judges Anna Głowacka and Edyta Barańska from Kraków for implementing ECtHR and CJEU judgments. They are being prosecuted by Zbigniew Ziobro’s people – Piotr Schab and Przemysław Radzik. Similarly, the latter are deliberately breaching the CJEU’s ruling

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Can the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court expect chaos? Much depends on the new president

Will the new president, Zbigniew Kapiński, be up to managing an important chamber of the Supreme Court? Will he behave like a truly independent judge and protect it from political upheaval and pressure?

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