Judge Juszczyszyn is being prosecuted again for applying EU law. This is how Ziobro’s people are ‘supporting’ the compromise

Judge Juszczyszyn from Olsztyn, who returned to work just six months ago, did not have peace of mind for very long. Ziobro’s nominees are after him again because Juszczyszyn is still enforcing ECtHR and CJEU judgments. He is facing as many as three new disciplinary actions!

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Illegally suspended Judge Gąciarek may return to adjudication. The new chamber of the Supreme Court will decide

Judge Piotr Gąciarek’s suspension may be lifted in a few days and he may return to work in the capital’s court. This may be the decision of the new Supreme Court chamber. If Gąciarek returns to adjudication, only Judge Maciej Ferek from Krakow will still be suspended.

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President of a legal Chamber of the Supreme Court refuses to adjudicate with neo-judges: ‘I’m not afraid, I’ve chosen my fate’

Piotr Prusinowski, President of the Labour and Social Security Chamber, has issued a poignant and emotional statement explaining why he will not adjudicate with neo-judges of the Supreme Court. In it, he calls on the neo-judges to come to their senses and warns against dictatorship.

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The President promoted Ziobro’s people and judges from the Kasta/Antykasta group. This is what the compromise with the EU looks like

The President has given high promotions to judges associated with Minister Ziobro, members of the illegal NCJ and the partner of the head of the neo-NCJ. At the same time, independent judges are experiencing further repressions. This shows how the President and the PiS authorities will implement the compromise with the EU in practice.

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Justice Defence Committee asks for opinion on latest court bill from the Venice Commission

In an open letter, thirteen civic society organisations write to the Senate requesting an urgent opinion from the Venice Commission on the latest amendment to the Act on the Supreme Court

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Electoral Code. PiS’s amendments strike at the secrecy of elections; some will obstruct their organization [INTERVIEW]

It is already too late to amend the electoral code. While some of the changes are dangerous and harmful – one by one, Adam Gendźwiłł, an expert on electoral systems and local government politics, presents the damage that PiS’s bill brings

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‘This is intimidation of the opposition.’ Scheuring-Wielgus MP is being prosecuted by Judge Piebiak

‘We have entered a very bloody year, a campaign year, there will be no holds barred,’ Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus says. This time, Ziobro’s former ‘chief of staff’ wants to deprive her of her immunity. She called Łukasz Piebiak the ‘head of a set-up’ who was looking for dirt on judges and prosecutors

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PiS is preparing a ‘mace for the opposition’. The Act on the verification commission has been voted through

Despite losing the vote in the Sejm committee, PiS is pushing for the appointment of a verification commission regarding Russian influence. According to the opposition, this is an attempt to set up a kangaroo court before the elections.

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The National Association of Administrative Judges official position regarding the bill amending the Act on the Supreme Court and Other Acts

“We negatively assess the member’s bill on the amendments to the Act on the Supreme Court (Sejm form 2870), which is intended to implement the “milestones” required for releasing the funds for the National Recovery Plan” – position of administrative courts judges on the proposed changes to judiciary.

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PiS is changing the Act on courts for billions for the National Recovery Plan. But it could breach the Constitution and incite chaos

PiS is making concessions to the EC. It will pass the disciplining of judges over to the Supreme Administrative Court and restrict the Muzzle Act. But this is another ostentatious change, because it leaves the illegal National Council for Judiciary and the neo-judges who are the source of the problems with the rule of law. The administrative judges are protesting against the changes.

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