‘President Julia’ will be blamed. Is that why she was allowed to remain in office?

When it comes to the reckoning – and the first act of reckoning will be the CJEU judgment on the legality of the Tribunal – it will turn out that it is only (with the accent on ‘only’) ‘President Julia’ who is responsible for the whole of the demolition of the rule of law. The others were ‘only implementing the judgments of the Constitutional Tribunal’.

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Manowska of the Supreme Court is now blocking the execution of the 3rd CJEU ruling. This is how the authority’s nominees are implementing the compromise with the EU

Małgorzata Manowska, acting as the First President of the Supreme Court, does not want to hand over the files of an important case regarding the status of the neo-judges of the Supreme Court to the legal judges of the Supreme Court. This is the third case blocked by Manowska in which the CJEU has issued a ruling

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Investigation in vice-president’s case dropped after payment made to PiS. Orlen: conspiracy theory

Adam Burak, a member of Orlen’s management board, allegedly paid PLN 45,000 into PiS’s account earlier this year. According to Gazeta Wyborcza, eleven days later, the prosecutor’s office discontinued the investigation into his acceptance of a ‘personal and financial benefit’. The Anti-Corruption Bureau found that a crime had been committed – the prosecutor’s office did not. Orlen denies that the payment to PiS was connected with the discontinuation of the case.

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Money, money and… money. Why does PiS want to change the Electoral Code just before the elections?

The amendments to the Electoral Code which PiS is trying to push through will not help the electoral process, but will allow the co-financing of party activity. Róża Rzeplińska of Mam Prawo Wiedzieć [I have the right to know] tells us about the new possibilities of conducting financial scams

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The European Commission is taking Poland to the CJEU for the Constitutional Tribunal. Our explainer

The European Commission is accusing Poland that the Constitutional Tribunal is breaching the legal order of the European Union and the rights of EU citizens with its rulings. The Commission is also contesting the choice of the ‘stand-ins’ and Julia Przyłębska as President of the Constitutional Tribunal. That is why it is referring the case to the EU Court of Justice. What happens next? Our explainer.

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The European Court of Human Rights will assess whether President Duda broke the law

The European Court of Human Rights will rule on the cases of eight people who were recommended by the ‘old’, legal National Council of the Judiciary to the Supreme Court, among others, whereas President Duda refused to appoint them without giving reasons.

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Justice Committee recommends the rejection of the Senate’s amendments. Ziobro’s people vote with PiS

The committee rejected all of the Senate’s amendments. As usual, Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk made the assurance that nothing could be changed in the bill, because everything ‘has been accepted by the European Commission’.

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Vilification of suspended Judge Maciej Ferek. Illegal neo-NCJ and Ziobro’s former classmate in action

The illegal and politicised neo-NCJ turns itself into a lynch mob and turns citizens against Judge Maciej Ferek from Kraków. It publishes protected court surveillance footage in conflict with the law and breaches the secrecy of correspondence in order to discredit the judge.

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Landmark ruling of the CJEU in the case against public broadcaster TVP

‘There is an entitlement to protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation regardless of the basis of employment’ the CJEU ruled today. This applies to a case filed against TVP by a former employee. ‘I am pleased with the judgment, but it’s a pity that we have to go abroad for such obvious conclusions’

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