Hater Scandal: Prosecutors Have 200,000 Emails. The KastaWatch Account Is Linked to Ziobro’s Ministry

Investigation by OKO.press and TVN24: Documents with judges’ data were taken from the Ministry of Justice, where the KastaWatch account was created to discredit judges. We have evidence of an orchestrated attack on Judge Waldemar Żurek and indications that Zbigniew Ziobro knew about it.   OKO.PRESS and TVN24 journalist Marta Gordziewicz have obtained new evidence […]

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Newly appointed judges will be able to run for the reformed National Council of the Judiciary (KRS). The Senate has passed the bill with amendments.

The Senate has voted on the amendment to the KRS Act. Several dozen amendments have been introduced to the draft, including a very important one – granting newly appointed judges the right to stand for election to the Council. This is the result of the Venice Commission’s opinion. But discussions with President Duda also concerned this issue.

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The Sejm passed the law on the National Council of the Judiciary. The President has already announced that he will veto it

After several months of work, the Sejm adopted an amendment to the law on the National Council of the Judiciary. The new Council is to be elected by judges, not by parliamentarians. The President has already announced that he will veto the law. The main point of contention is the exclusion of so-called “neo-judges” from the possibility of candidacy.

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Judge Frąckowiak Fought for the Courts, Now She Has Become the President of the Court in Poznań [LIST OF NEW PRESIDENTS]

Justice Minister Bodnar has just appointed three new court presidents in Poznań. The local courts in Poznań and Kraków are the first in Poland where independent judges will replace Ziobro’s nominees. So far, Bodnar has appointed 27 new court presidents, and we publish their list.

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Minister Bodnar has appointed a codification commission tasked with reforming the courts and the prosecutor’s office

The appointed codification commission of the system of common courts and the prosecutor’s office, led by the president of Iustitia, Prof. Krystian Markiewicz, is to propose a true reform of the courts. This commission will also decide what to do next with the neo-judges.

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Bodnar executes the CJEU’s judgment. Ends discretionary delegations for judges

Minister Bodnar wants to streamline the system of delegating judges to higher instance courts. Under Minister Ziobro, delegations were under the control of the ministry, and judges defending the rule of law did not receive them. The ministry, during the PiS government, also punished judges by swiftly revoking their delegations

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Supreme Court Chamber: Judges Could Sign a Letter to OSCE Regarding Presidential Elections. They Cannot Be Prosecuted for This

The New Supreme Court Chamber Ultimately Acquits Belchatow Judge of Absurd Charges – Over the Letter from Polish Judges to OSCE. The Chamber ruled that judges have the right to speak out. This verdict is a failure for the local disciplinary spokesperson, who was the sole prosecutor against judges for this letter.

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Duda: Legal chaos threatens Poland

Andrzej Duda has disagreed from the very beginning with the changes introduced in the Prosecutor General’s Office by Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar.

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ECtHR: the meeting schedule of the Constitutional Tribunal President is public information

The meeting schedule of Julia Przyłębska is public information, and its non-disclosure was a violation of the law,” ruled the European Court of Human Rights after a complaint from the Civil Network Watchdog Poland.

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Dariusz Korneluk to be the new National Prosecutor. There are also 10 candidates for the Director of the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution (KSSiP)

Korneluk, the vice president of Lex Super Omnia, won the competition, defeating 4 other counter-candidates. Now it’s time for the competition for the director of KSSiP. Bodnar also obtained permission to dismiss the president of the District Court in Poznań.

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