Scandals from PiS Era May Not Be Quickly Resolved. No One May Be Convicted During Tusk’s Term
It may take up to 10 years for final verdicts on PiS politicians and their associates. Prime Minister Donald Tusk will not be able to boast about resolving the scandals by the end of his term because there are bottlenecks and traps in the prosecution and courts left by Ziobro’s “reforms.”
The Justice Committee Endorses Bills Reforming the Constitutional Tribunal: Dubler Verdicts to Be Invalidated
The Constitutional Tribunal Act and the Act on Implementing Provisions, two civic projects prepared by experts from the Batory Foundation, received positive evaluations during the proceedings of the Justice Committee. What do these bills entail?
Neo-judges will no longer teach future judges and prosecutors at the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution (KSSiP).
Neo-judges and those who signed support lists for the illegal and politicized neo-National Council of the Judiciary (neo-KRS) will no longer serve as lecturers at the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution (KSSiP).
Laws on the Constitutional Court in the Sejm. Law and Justice Party discovers it was prepared by experts of the Batory Foundation
The Parliamentary Committee on Justice and Human Rights is working on laws reforming the Constitutional Court. During the meeting, Law and Justice deputies focused on the fact that their authors are experts of the Batory Foundation
What’s the Status of the KRS Act? We Know the Legal Opinions on the Senate Amendment Commissioned by the Sejm Committee [NEWS OKO.PRESS]
In May, the Senate amendment to the Act on the National Council of the Judiciary (KRS), which restored the right of neo-judges to be elected to the new Council, sparked significant controversy. On July 11, the Justice Committee and the Sejm will decide its fate. has obtained the legal opinions commissioned by the Committee.
A confidential letter from Kaczyński to Ziobro regarding the Justice Fund has surfaced. “I urge you, Minister”
Jarosław Kaczyński was aware of how Sovereign Poland was manipulating the Justice Fund. However, Zbigniew Ziobro faced no consequences, receiving only a polite reprimand.
The Constitutional Tribunal with Święczkowski, Pawłowicz, and Piotrowicz instructs on how to more effectively challenge Bodnar’s reforms.
A case is currently being heard before Julia Przyłębska’s Constitutional Tribunal, initiated by the National Council of the Judiciary (KRS). The KRS is attempting to prevent the Minister of Justice from having the authority to dismiss presidents and vice-presidents of common courts.
The National Public Prosecutor recommends the transcription of foreign same-sex marriage certificates.
A breakthrough in the issue of same-sex marriages. The Attorney General has revoked the directive issued during Ziobro’s tenure, which prevented the transcription of same-sex marriage certificates concluded abroad.
President Duda Disregards the Constitution and EU Law: Appoints 60 More Flawed Neo-Judges
Among the newly appointed neo-judges are the former controversial Children’s Rights Ombudsman, Mikołaj Pawlak, and the rapidly advancing prosecutor, Franciszek Michera, who sought the detention of Tuleya. Presidents of courts appointed by Ziobro have also been made neo-judges.
Bodnar initiated the procedure to dismiss 81 presidents and vice-presidents. In contrast, he appointed over 110.
This is the balance of the first six months of Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar’s term. But it’s not the end. There are already new promotions and further dismissals of Ziobro’s appointees in the courts of Białystok, Rzeszów, Konin, and Słupsk.
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