Public media in the pre-election period: responsibilities and facts

In the context of the appropriation of the public media by the ruling party, it can hardly be expected that they will comply with international, constitutional or statutory obligations. 

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Public money, party campaign

According to the Electoral Code, all parties should have a level playing field in the election campaign. Including financially. The United Right is not bothered by that.

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Unequal elections. How PiS is mixing public and party interests to remain in power

PiS has harnessed the whole of the state apparatus to the battle for remaining in power. Krzysztof Izdebski analyses how those in power are using state resources in the election campaign and how public interest is being mixed with party interest. Are elections in Poland still equal, competitive and fair?

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Pre-financing of the National Recovery Fund for Poland is a fiction

The Polish Development Fund could stop pre-financing investments from the NRRP later this month because of a lack of funds. The Polish Development Fund denies this information, but the Fund’s data shows the budget does not tally: it is short of at least PLN 2.5 bn

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CJEU: the Muzzle Act is incompatible with Union law. Billions for the NRRP are moving away

The Court of Justice of the EU accepted all of the European Commission’s allegations and held that the Muzzle Act that tightens the disciplinary system for judges is incompatible with EU law. And that not only the Chamber of Control of the Supreme Court is to have the right to perform ‘independence tests’

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PiS Threatens to Take Over Courts, Liquidate Supreme Court, and Challenge CJEU

PiS is not hiding the fact that it wants to destroy the independent courts in Poland. It is admitting this in its election programme. It is promising the liquidation of the current courts and the establishment of new ones with ‘its own’ judges. Independent judges will be removed or retired

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The ECtHR dismissed the applications of the Polish women regarding the restriction of the right to an abortion. What was it guided by? [ANALYSIS]

The European Court of Human Rights dismissed the applications of the Polish women regarding the restriction of access to a legal abortion after the judgment of Julia Przyłębska’s Tribunal. We explain why and how the Polish anti-abortion law can be challenged

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The CJEU ruling on the Muzzle Act does not spoil the mood of the ruling party

According to Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro, it is not Poland that is breaking the treaties but the European Commission. Minister for European Affairs Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk is calm: the ruling largely applies to ‘outdated matters’. Besides, the minister ‘does not see them in the context of the dialogue with the EC on the NRRP’.

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Kaczyński announces the takeover of the courts after the elections. He threatens: ‘No one will stop us’

The Law and Justice (PiS) party chairman promised a final crackdown on the courts at an election rally. In practice, this will mean liquidating the current courts, removing independent judges from them and appointing ‘their own.’ If PiS wins the elections and does this, it will result in a major clash with the EU.

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