Devastation of Poland’s Supreme Court and judicial independence: the situation in July 2018
Following initiation of infringement procedure by the EC, the ruling majority made a deliberate effort to take over the Supreme Court in July 2018, before the EU Court of Justice had a chance to assess the law on the Supreme Court.
Letter from the International Commission of Jurists to President Andrzej Duda regarding the restoration of the independence of the judiciary in Poland
The International Commission of Jurists condemn the recent forced retirement of 27 out of 72 Polish Supreme Court justices, including its President Małgorzata Gersdorf,and urge you to act immediately to restore the independence of the judiciary by reinstating them in office.
Statement from the President of the CCBE regarding the situation in Poland 10/07/2018
The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe represents, through its National Bar members, more than 1 million European Union, the European Economic Area, and wider Europe. On 10 July 2018 CCBE published a press release on the situation the Supreme Court of Poland
Human Rights Commissioners condemn attacks on acting Commissioner Dr Adam Bodnar
Joint statement of July 2018 in defense of acting Human Rights Commissioner who had been subject of political attacks
Changes to Supreme Court introduced on the 3rd of July 2018
Judge Darisz Mazur on the changes in the Supreme Court of Poland including Disciplinary Chamber and Chamber of Extraordinary Claim and Internal Affairs
Functioning of the Constitutional Tribunal 2014-2017 – Report of the Stefan Batory Foundation Legal Expert Group
Based on Constitutional Tribunal own data, the report highlights significant drop of CT proceedings in 2017. In addition, the adjudicating panel selection and disqualification motions justify concerns about the possibility of the current CT management using its powers to achieve a specific decision on the merits.
The Polish Law on the Supreme Court in light of rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Legal analysis from June 2018 argues that Polish legislation was at that time violating EU Treaties and Charter of Fundamental Rights, that it remains in competence of the Court of Justice and potential insufficient implementation of the ruling could lead to financial penalties.
Where the law ends. The collapse of the rule of law in Poland – and what to do
The authors, from Batory Foundation Idea Forum and ESI, argue that the Polish case is a test whether it is possible to create a Soviet-style justice system, where the control of courts, prosecutors and judges lies with the executive and a single party, in an EU member state.
Remarks on decommunization of the judiciary
In Poland reckoning with the Polish People’s Republic is still underway – and doesn’t look to end any time soon. It is nor hampered by death of people and groups publicly charged
Resolution of the Assembly of Representatives of Judges of the Regional Court in Kraków of 26 February 2018. (the extract)
The Assembly of Representatives of Judges of the Regional Court in Krakow draws attention to the fact that subordinated to the political factors law
enforcement authorities have been taking actions of repressive character towards judge Waldemar Żurek for the period of around 2 years. Recently, the newly
– appointed President of the Court has also taken actions of repressive character.
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