New “commissioner” in the Supreme Court: Aleksander Stępkowski

Stępkowski was one of the founders of the Legal Culture Institute, Ordo Iuris, a conservative association of lawyers, known for its battle against the “gender ideology” and advocating extreme penalties for abortion, including imprisonment for women terminating pregnancy

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Kaczyński announces changes in the Supreme Court

This institution needs to be radically changed, including in personal terms. And this is the only conclusion that arises from what is happening there right now. Because the judicial community, especially the Supreme Court, should be a model of civic virtue, said PiS party chairman Jarosław Kaczyński.

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The government is preparing an attack on NGOs in Poland

The Ministry of the Environment has started work on a plan to disclose the financing of NGOs. In this plan, NGOs will be obliged to state that they are being financed from abroad. Laws like this already operate in Russia, Hungary, and Israel.

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Duda’s ‘commissioner’ stopped the deliberations of the Assembly of the Supreme Court Judges when the voting was not in line with his thoughts

The Supreme Court judges did not choose candidates to be Małgorzata Gersdorf’s successor for the second day in a row. On Saturday, the acting president of the Supreme Court, Kamil Zaradkiewicz, again rejected all the motions of the judges of the ‘old’ Supreme Court and took the floor away from them. And when the result of valid voting was not in line with his thoughts, he stopped the session.

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European judges favour expelling the neo-NCJ from the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary

The European Association of Judges (EAJ) supports the idea that Poland’s National Council of the Judiciary should be removed from the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ). “For several years I have been speaking loudly about the dangerous path onto which Poland’s rulers have gone. Their aim is to destroy the separation of powers,” said the president of the European association in January

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Zaradkiewicz: Supreme Court will soon be worthy of the trust of the citizens in Poland

New acting first president of the Supreme Court judge Kamil Zaradkiewicz asks the Supreme Court’s judges to refrain from public activity, in particular in the media

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Call to Jourová and Reynders: act to save democracy in Poland

Dozens of EU and constitutional law professors and associations of judges and prosecutors urge the European Commission to act and to prevent irreversible changes that will de facto exclude Poland from the circle of European legal culture and western democracy

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Prosecutor Bogdan Święczkowski attacks Małgorzata Gersdorf, head of the Supreme Court

The National Prosecutor Bogdan Święczkowski, one of the Minister of Justice/ the Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro’s closest associates, has demanded clarification from the First President of the Supreme Court, Małgorzata Gersdorf. He wants to know why she suspended the Disciplinary Chamber’s power of adjudication. Święczkowski’s letter sets a dangerous and unprecedented precedent that can be seen as an attempt at intimidation or to bring criminal charges.

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Safjan on Constitutional Tribunal ruling: an extreme scenario, but even EU exit seems possible

The Constitutional Tribunal, by a decision of its full bench, ruled that the resolution of the three combined chambers of the Supreme Court is incompatible with the constitution and international law. According to Professor and CJEU Judge Marek Safjan, this ruling by the Constitutional Tribunal is “highly disturbing” and can even threaten Poland’s membership in the European Union.

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Commissioner for Human Rights: Impossible elections

Voting entirely by post can breach the constitutional principle of the universality of the elections. The campaign being conducted does not respect the principle of equal opportunities for the candidates, while the citizens are not receiving even a minimal amount of knowledge about the elections. Held in this way, they cannot be consistent with international standards.

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