How should the new European Court of Human Rights judge from Poland be? Lech Garlicki explains

In 2021, the term of office of the Polish judge on the European Court of Human Rights will end. The Foreign Ministry does not want to reveal who has entered the competition. What are the stakes of this choice? Prof. Lech Garlicki, a former judge on the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland and the EtCHR, explains

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Will the convicted supervise the judges in Poland?

In the Ministry of Justice, convicted persons without a higher education degree will be able to supervise courts and judges. An amendment to this end, using the insertion method, has been included in PiS’s draft amendment to the act on misdemeanours.

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A German court refuses to extradite a German citizen to Poland, because of the state of the Polish judicial system

This is the second decision by the Higher National Court in Karlsruhe to suspend the execution of a EAW to Poland, directly motivated by concerns over the rule of law, resulting from changes in the judiciary after 2015

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Report: Rule of Law in Poland 2020: How to contain the Crisis and reform the Justice System?

In its concluding report, the Civil Development Forum (FOR) evaluates plans to contain the crisis and focuses on genuine reforms in Poland’s justice system

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MEP Petri Sarvamaa on the rule of law conditionality: “We gave nothing to Kaczyński and Orbán”

‘The declaration of the European Council was purely a face-saving document for domestic use in Poland and Hungary. There are 11 points on the rule of law issue. Not a single one of these points changed the rule of law legislation,’ says Petri Sarvamaa, Finnish MEP of the European People’s Party (EPP)

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The Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court will deal with the case of Judge Józef Iwulski’s immunity on 21 January

‘The Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court has set the date for examining the case of immunity of a judge of that court, the President of the Labour and Social Insurance Chamber, Józef Iwulski, on 21 January next year,’ Piotr Falkowski, that Chamber’s press officer, informed the Polish Press Agency PAP.

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The National Public Prosecutor’s Office is prosecuting seven judges for taking decisions which favour an oppressed prosecutor

The special internal department of the National Prosecutor’s Office has called for a special investigation into seven judges from Cracow. All of them issued judgments concerning the prosecutor Mariusz Krasoń, who has been persecuted for displaying independence. This is a case of clear interference in the judges’ work, and of putting pressure on one of them.

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Report: The rule of law crisis in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic

Civil Development Forum (FOR) presents the third report on the crisis of the rule of law in Poland. This part deals with the rule of law and the functioning of the legal system during the COVID-19 pandemic

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5 Member States support the European Commission in Case 791/19: what they said

Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland support the European Commission and demand the Court of Justice declares that the Polish government violates the Union law in case C-791/19 regarding the disciplinary system for judges

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Repressions for independence. A prosecutor did not want to arrest participants of the protest, so he was transferred.

Prosecutor Wojciech Pełeszok did not want to support the arrests of demonstrators. He was posted to a prosecution office at a level lower. This is how you break someone’s back: punishing, for example, for taking advantage of the guarantee of independence. Other prosecutors see this – and prefer to be obedient.

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