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We reveal: Ziobro’s people used Hermes against judges and the media. Also against
Prosecutors under the Law and Justice party used Israeli software, which replaced Pegasus, to gather information about judges from Iustitia and Themis and journalists. Hermes was used against journalists from, TVN, Onet, ‘Wyborcza’ and RMF FM. Their entries and articles critical of Ziobra’s people were checked
Court: The Prosecutor’s Office’s Entry into the Office of Disciplinary Officers Schab, Radzik, and Lasota Was Legal
The National Prosecutor’s Office was authorized to forcibly enter the office of Ziobro’s disciplinary officers, located near the neo-NCJ (National Council of the Judiciary). It was also permitted to conduct a search there and seize files related to disciplinary proceedings initiated against independent judges.
Bodnar’s 10 Pillars for the Judiciary: Reform of Court Experts, More Assistants, Digitalization, Mediation, Training
The Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, announces plans to accelerate court proceedings within two years. This effort will be supported by so-called small steps—simple organizational changes that mostly do not require legislative amendments. These include management training and digitalization.
The Case of an Antisemitic Post by Judge Jarosław Dudzicz, Former Member of the unlawful National Council of the Judiciary has obtained details of the case involving an antisemitic online post by Judge Jarosław Dudzicz a former member of the unlawful National Council of the Judiciary
Codification Committee: Abolish Two Chambers of the Supreme Court Created by PiS and the Extraordinary Complaint Mechanism
The Codification Committee of Civil Law, chaired by Professor Marek Safjan, is calling for urgent reforms in the Supreme Court, which is dominated by “neo-judges” (judges appointed in deficient procedure). The Committee advocates for the abolition of the illegal Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs as well as the Chamber of Professional Responsibility.
A Year After the Elections: Bodnar Initiates Accountability and Judicial Reforms, Unlocks EU Funds, But Neo-KRS Remains
Justice Minister and Attorney General Adam Bodnar, in less than a year, has accomplished nearly everything that could be done without new legislation. However, he remains unwilling to use state force against PiS appointees, and the coming year is set to bring even greater challenges.
Bodnar Withdraws Two Significant Complaints Filed by Ziobro from the Supreme Court: Restores Justice to Judges Żurek and Morawiec
Minister Bodnar is retracting from cases that were highly publicized during the PiS administration. These cases involve the deliberate defamation of Judge Beata Morawiec by Ziobro’s ministry and the attack on Judge Waldemar Żurek.
Scandals from PiS Era May Not Be Quickly Resolved. No One May Be Convicted During Tusk’s Term
It may take up to 10 years for final verdicts on PiS politicians and their associates. Prime Minister Donald Tusk will not be able to boast about resolving the scandals by the end of his term because there are bottlenecks and traps in the prosecution and courts left by Ziobro’s “reforms.”
Neo-judges will no longer teach future judges and prosecutors at the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution (KSSiP).
Neo-judges and those who signed support lists for the illegal and politicized neo-National Council of the Judiciary (neo-KRS) will no longer serve as lecturers at the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution (KSSiP).
President Duda Disregards the Constitution and EU Law: Appoints 60 More Flawed Neo-Judges
Among the newly appointed neo-judges are the former controversial Children’s Rights Ombudsman, Mikołaj Pawlak, and the rapidly advancing prosecutor, Franciszek Michera, who sought the detention of Tuleya. Presidents of courts appointed by Ziobro have also been made neo-judges.