Posts from this author
From Constitutional to Political Justice: The Tragic Trajectories of the Polish Constitutional Court
The Polish Constitutional Court, once a proud institution and an effective check on the will of the majority, is now a shell of its former self
The Democratic Backsliding and the European constitutional design in error. When will HOW meet WHY?
The democratic backsliding is not just another crisis of governance. Rather it strikes at the very core of the initial bargain that brought states together. Therefore the constitutional redesign should go beyond legal and procedural patching and include renewed acknowledgement of the common values and interests and involving people, beyond states and markets
“Existential Judicial Review” in Retrospect, “Subversive Jurisprudence” in Prospect: The Polish Constitutional Court Then, Now and … Tomorrow
The symbolic jurisprudence and the rule of law will never be wiped out entirely as long as judicial review and the Constitution will be reinforced by the ordinary courts, and as long as citizens do not forget about the institution they used to call “Polish Constitutional Court”. Once the ordinary judges fail the test, and cave in to the political pressure, and the citizens forget, subversive jurisprudence will indeed reign supreme